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Don't let your questions go unanswered. Discover how you can terminate cravings in as little as one visit. Ask about our free booster treatment programs.


The following are the stories of former clients in their own words……..

It’s incredible to me!  It’s the first time in my life I have never wanted a cigarette.  I couldn’t believe it.  I tried to quit so many times before.  I have smoked for like over 30 years.  Before I tried the laser treatment, I have tried the patch, the gum, etc.  I quit for a little bit, not very long, maybe a couple of weeks then right back to smoking again.  It’s the only thing that worked for me!  After I had the laser treatment I didn’t desire a cigarette at all. 
Stuart Swanlund
Marshall Tucker Band

I smoked for 34 years.  I had my last cigarette standing at your front door and walked out an hour later a non-smoker.  No one ever thought I could or would stop smoking.  Your laser took it right out of my brain.  I love not smoking as much as I loved smoking.  I would recommend this to anyone, and I do.  Thank you so very much.
Ellen R.
Bradenton, FL

My husband and I have been smoke-free since October 2005, and now we are expecting our first child next month.  Thanks to you I can say that this baby will be a healthy one!  Thank you for making our lives so much better.
Melanie and Allan B.
Bradenton, FL

I smoked for 35 years, a pack a day!  I tried to quit cold turkey, that didn’t work.  I came to Laser Innovations and haven’t had a cigarette since!!  I am so very pleased with the health of my teeth and gums now.  My “Angel” tells me all the time how happy she is to kiss me now because I don’t smell nasty, like I used to.  More importantly I feel healthier than I’ve ever felt.  It was the easiest thing I have every done.  I just followed what Laser Innovations said to do and avoid.  The money savings is great.  I am very pleased and would recommend Laser Innovations to anybody.
Thank you,
Paul J. “Ratty” C.

For forty eight hours I didn’t think about it.  I did feel a craving and did not want to start, so I got a booster.  It worked.  It has been six weeks.  But the best part is I am now home in Florida.  I drove home from Chicago and did not crave a cigarette all the way.  That was two and a half days of driving.
Paul B.
Matheson, FL

Hands down the most effective smoking cessation treatment ever…I have tried pills, patches and willpower.  Laser Innovations treatment instantaneously removed the urge without any side effects like mood swings, edginess or irritability. I would recommend this treatment to anyone.
Sean M.
Bradenton, FL

I wanted to let you know how well the laser worked for me.  I am happy to report that I went to Canton, Ohio, Laser Innovations on December 23, 2005, and I am still smoke free.  I enjoy walking on the treadmill and am able to walk longer and with less effort.  I feel so much better and I am so glad that I went to your company.  Also, I did not have any withdrawal symptoms nor any of the terrible feelings that people have when quitting “cold turkey”.  I have recommended your company to several people I know and they have told me when they decide to quit, they will be coming to you.
Thank you.
Linda M.

Hi, just wanted to let you know my husband and I both are non-smokers thanks to you.  We had the treatment on November 9, 2005 and as of today, April 7th, 2006, we are still non-smokers.  It is so great to be able to taste and smell things.  I always had bronchitis and so far nothing this year.  My husband coughed so bad in the morning I thought he would die sometimes and that is all gone.  I really didn’t think we could quit after almost 40 years, but your treatment worked wonders.
Thank you so very, very much.
Linda and Alan H.

I began my smoke free life on the first day of spring, 2006.  After smoking for 30+ years I was able to put down and walk away from cigarettes thanks to Laser Innovations.  It really does block the physical cravings, and for the first time, it did not hurt to quit.  I unexpectedly lost my favorite brother-in-law and father within 96 hours.  Despite the fact that I was an emotional wreck and surrounded by smokers, I did not smoke.  It has been over four weeks since my last cigarette and I know I am going to make it.  Thank you Laser Innovations.  As an asthmatic with chronic bronchitis, smoking was killing me in more ways than one.  My breathing is much improved, and my appetite has not increased one bit.  Taking one day at a time has got me through this.  I still think about smoking, but for the first time in my smoking life, I have the control and the power not to smoke.  I have used my booster, and I am not ashamed to admit that.  Quite frankly, I am willing to do whatever is necessary to not smoke.  In three weeks I have saved over $120.  Put your daily cigarette money in a jar.  Watch it go from $3 to a couple hundred in just a few weeks.  I see a great trip in my future, and more importantly, I actually have a future.
Cindy S.
Canal Fulton, OH

So far, it’s worked for me.  I smoked three packs a day and walked out smoke-free and so far it’s been five months.
Linda P
Girard, OH

I have a heart condition and I couldn’t be more thrilled that this worked for me.  I have smoked for over FIFTY years and never thought that I could quit. 
Thank you!
Mildred S.
Akron, OH

I think it’s so amazing not to want a cigarette.  I have smoked for well over half of my life and now I have NO desire.  I love the fact that now I don’t smell bad and I’m no longer hurting my children.
Melissa T.

I wanted to let you know how well your laser treatment has worked in helping me to quit smoking.  I have been 100% smoke free for over 2 weeks following the treatment, and I have not had any serious difficulty in that time.  As you know, I smoked more than a pack a day for almost 20 years.  After 2 failed attempts to quit on my own, this has worked perfectly, with little to no serious difficulty.  Further, I believe that 8 out of the 9 in our group are still smoke free – amazing!!  I’m convinced that if anyone is serious about wanting to quit, your laser treatment will give them the boost they need to be successful, once and for all.  And what a relief to be free of cigarettes!  Thanks again, and I will continue to recommend your uniquely successful product & service to anyone interested.
Jupiter, FL

I stopped smoking on November 28, 2007. It’s only been 4 months, but I can tell you how thrilled I am!  I stopped smoking not just because it’s better for my health – but I honestly couldn’t afford to smoke anymore!  I never thought this would work – nothing else did- I tried everything.  This worked from day one.  No cravings, no withdrawal.  What could possibly be better than that.
Thank you so much.
Mickie D.

As long as you drink water and change habits, it is a breeze!
Here is my tip: I bought jelly beans and chex  mix.  If I felt the urge I would sort stuffi into bowls.  I sucked a lot of hard candies and when on the phone I doodled on paper.  By the end of 3 weeks I forgot I ever smoked.
Closet Smoker

I kicked the habit with Laser Innovations on 10/10/05 at 5pm in Bradenton, FL.  Today is 3/25/06.  I can breathe much better and I save over $300 a month on cigarettes.
Larry C.
Sarasota, FL

I’ve tried everything you can think of to quit smoking and all with no definite success.  I’d been a smoker for 34 years!  So I really had nothing to lose with this procedure.  It was a success!!!  I had a couple of bad moments through my first 2 ½ - 3 months, but they reinforced the procedure and I’ve been just fine ever since.
Laura T.

I smoked three packs a day for thirty-two years.  I needed to quit!  This was the answer.  As soon as I left the building, I knew that I would never smoke again.
William M.

Dear Laser Innovations, 
Thank you for giving me my life back.  I tried to quit many times before coming to you and never had the results I have today.  When I had to have surgery they told me I had to quit 1 month prior to my surgery.  I did, and then started back up after 9 months.  That was the longest I had ever gone before now.  When my Dad passed away October 3, 2004, I really wanted to quit because his smoking had a lot to do with his illness, but I tried and never succeeded.   I had been hearing your ads on WKDD and thought why not, what do I have to lose?  I called to make an appointment and was told that if I brought someone with me I could save some money.  Never did I think my Mom would come with me.  She had been talking about stopping but I never thought she would.  October 24, 2005, my sister’s birthday, my Mom and sister came over to my house and I told them about what I was going to do.  My mom said she would go with me and do it too.  WOW!  What a shock for both my sister and I.  Then my sister said this was the best birthday present and she paid for ½ of our fee.  I was skeptical, because I thought I would never be able to quit unless I stopped first thing in the morning.  Our appointment was at 3:30 pm and we both walked out of there smoke free and we are still smoke free 14 months later.  I have had a really rough 14 months and the thought to pick up was there but I never took the action.  I really don’t think about smoking too much any more.  When the thought does creep up I just say to myself, I am a non smoker.  There is so much more I would love to say but it would take forever.  So for now thank you, thank you, thank you,
Becky C.
Akron, OH

Dear Laser Innovations.
Here we are again another year and still smoke free.  Mom and I have been smoke free now for 2 years and almost 2 months.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  I can’t believe that we are still not smoking.  Like I said before, I was a skeptic but it worked and we have never felt better.  I have had 6 friends come to you and I know of 3 of them that are still smoke free also.  Just wanted to  keep you up to date on our success. Food tastes better now and I have more energy.  I feel that the burden of a crutch is off my back.  It was a very easy way to stop smoking.  I feel that I can now enjoy the rest of my life without smoking.  Saving all the money is a plus, too!  I’m spreading the news!
Victor S.

I just wanted to let you guys know I’d doing great.  I came to you guys on 10/24/05 with my mother.  I only made the appointment to get my mother in there.  I didn’t even want to quit smoking.  It’s so amazing how your treatment takes the physical craving away.  Once I was faced with the knowledge that it is mostly a mental addiction, I had to keep at it.  I couldn’t tell people that my mind had control over me.  I’m too bull headed to say that.  So that motivated me to fight my mind habit.  I can really say that it was the best thing I could have ever done.  My mother constantly tells me that I saved her life and I thank you for saving mine. 
Thank you from the bottom of my lungs,
April H.

I don’t even want a cigarette!  I have tried everything: the patch, hypnosis, Wellbutrin, you name it.  This has worked wonders.  It is different this time.  I feel great and my doctor says I even sound good now.
Becky E.

I went to Canton, Ohio on July 19th, 2005 for the treatment.  As I was there I thought that it was going to be a waste of my money and time.  I am very happy to say that I walked out of there I had cigarettes in my car and never touched them.  I drove all the way home to Warren, Ohio, and never had one.  Sure the urge came and passed, just like I was told that it would.  I am still smoke free and sometimes I wonder how.  I have had both of my adult children in the hospital, my grandson was in the hospital, I wrecked my car, and there were other situations that I normally would have smoked.  I just kind of blew them off.  I feel great and I have only gained 1 lb 9 oz.  I did have a big fear of gaining weight but it’s all about control.  I have not had to go for my booster and hope that I don’t have to.  I have recommended people and they have gone and are also still smoke-free.  Thanks.  This is the best thing that I could have done for myself.
Beth B.

I feel so much better.  I have extra money.  Soon after I quit, two people in my family were diagnosed with lung cancer - both smokers.  I am so thankful I quit smoking because I don’t want to end up with lung cancer.  Thanks to Laser Innovations, I could  quit.

For the first time in years, I can actually take a deep breath without coughing.  My sleeping habits have improved also, due to the fact that I don’t wake up in the middle of the night wheezing and coughing.  I have gained a couple of pounds but that is a small price to pay in comparison.  I have not yet needed a booster.
Johnny C.

It’s unbelievable that after the laser treatment, I don’t even have a craving for a cigarette – after smoking for over FORTY years!!!  Am I impressed?  You bet! 
Dale B.
Dover, OH

I am a non-smoker now.  I am totally different at my kick-boxing class!  I can breathe!  I can push myself now because I can breathe.  I don’t have to stop because I can’t catch my breath!  Now I look and smell great!  Thank you!
Holly B.

I am smoke-free, relaxed and smell better thanks to Laser Innovations.  It is so worth the money you spend.  The money I save from not buying cigarettes is going toward our trip to Punta Cana where we will renew our wedding vows.  Laser Innovations, you are awesome!  Thanks so much and God Bless!
Justine S.
Wooster, OH

I have been a non-smoker for 3+ months thanks to you.  My treatment was done on 3/20/06 at the E. Main St., Columbus, OH, location.  I have not needed a booster treatment and don’t feel that I will.  I have had no urges to smoke since 3/20.  I think about it occasionally but that passes quickly enough.  I may have gained 3-5 lbs. at first but have now lost that.  I would definitely recommend your services to anyone wishing to stop smoking.  Thanks.
Linda S.
Lancaster, OH

Everything is so much better since I quit smoking.  I have been smoking for 30 years and I realize that with the treatment it was so much easier than in the past.  I don’t have the urge and I have saved so much money. 
Connie T.

I had my treatment on Saturday, September 2nd, 2006 at 10:30am and since then I have become a walking testimonial for your treatment to quit smoking.  I am 58 years old and have smoked for 40 years.  People at work (Fedex – a large place) say I am a walking commercial for quitting smoking via laser.  I have given your phone number to over 20 people.  My family is so glad their mom and grandma finally quit smoking.  My husband still smokes, as well as some friends and being around them bother me now, since they stink!  I went to a wedding this weekend and went outside with some of the smokers to chat and some blew smoke in my face to prove I’d really quit and they were amazed.  It’s like I never smoked, no urges no nothing (except a few extra pounds), but I will try to diet not (maybe via laser treatment as well).  Thanks so much for making me a non-smoker and my family thanks you even more.
Tangee Z.

I am not going to say that this is easy, but I will say that the treatment is making it easier.  I have been a smoker for 37 years.  I am going to stay smoke free.  Life is so much better and I have more money.
David T.

I have been a smoker for over 30 years and over the years, I have tried dozens of times to quit, without any success.  Laser Innovations helped me quit, and with relative east.  I FEEL GREAT!!!
Cindi A.

I just wanted to thank you.  I was in your Canton Office the first week in August 2005.  I am still smoke free.  Thank you again and God bless you.
Teresa N.

My last cigarette was 04/05/06 at 8:50 AM and I have not had one since…when I did it I did it for my health then the money.  Now I am glad I did it more than ever with the ban on smoking in Ohio.  It was one of the hardest things I ever did but with the help of Laser Innovations I can honestly say the habit is behind me.  Thank you.
Joyce B.
Canton, OH

I have not smoked a cigarette since Jan. 27th, 2007.  I did not want to smoke which made a difference.  I really do not think I could have stopped without the help of Laser Innovations.  I believe this helped tremendously.  I smoked 31 years, now I am smoke free.  I feel better.  That’s great.  My husband and I had the treatment at the same time.  He wanted a cigarette the same day.  We left, after the treatment he was very snippy.  But now, well I will say about a week later he was not so snippy.  And today he’s a lot better, But successful!  That’s what counts.  I said from day one, if we get through this together we can get through anything.  Guess what!  We made it!!
Bonnie J.

I smoked for 34 years.  The last 15 years I smoked 3 packs a day.  From the first treatment to my last booster, Laser Innovations has worked for me.  I was a heavy smoker.  If it can work for me it will work for you.
Adna O.

My Husband & I decided to turn to you on March 16,2007 as our last chance to change our lives! We talked about trying to quit smoking for a long time & even tried quite a few times, but always failed! His parents had both suffered from heart attacks & we lost his Mother to cancer a little over a year ago. It was then we both looked at our lives & agreed we had to quit before we ended up just like them. The only problem was we had yet to find a way that actually worked. We heard about you & decided we would try it pray for the best. That was three months ago & we haven't touched a cigarette since! We are both eating healthy now & are getting ready to sign up for a membership at our local gym with some of the extra money we have now! I don't think I have felt this great since I was a little girl! We cannot Thank You enough for giving us our new lease on life! You gave us the help we needed to quit doing something that has been slowly killing us for over 10 years! We are enjoying life through new eyes now & looking forward to spending many wonderful, happy & healthy years together instead of years that would have been full of suffering, poor health & worry! We recommend the treatment to anyone who wants to quit smoking & is ready to start living life again! Thanks again for everything!
Laurie C.
Apple Creek, OH

Thank You for helping me to stop smoking.  My mother has been breathing better (Her having asthma and alergies), I am breathing better, i have more money and am closer to God because of it.  And i am also more healthier phisically and mentally.  Thank you again...  I will recommend Laser Innovations to my other friends. 
Don B.
Columbus, OH   

I smoked for 5 years.  I smoked about 1 to 2 packs a day not to bad but not to good either.  I heard Laser Innovations’ ad on a local radio station so I stopped in at May and talked with the staff (which were very helpful) about the process.  The staff told me to come back when I was ready.  I was ready and went back on 6/20/06 and since then I haven’t wanted to smoke at all.  It was the best money I ever spent.  IT IS WELL WORTH IT!
Reynoldsburg, OH

Hello and good day.  I visited our office while back for my daughters wedding in January.  This is a note to let you know that TODAY…JUNE 24th… IT HAS BEEN 6 MONTHS CIGARETTE FREE, thank you from my family and I for helping me become smoke free.
Darrin H.

I am a non smoker and cannot believe it.  I have been telling everyone about your service.  Thanks again.

On 3/15/07 you treated me for three packs a day, which I thought I would be back many times in the next 6 months for additional treatments.  Since then I lost my job, the motor in my truck went south, my computer said bye bye and the trip to see my kids may not happen.  How’s that for a back breaking load?  I AM STILL NOT SMOKING!!!!  Thank you………….

Once again thank you very much for the soon to be legendary highway I’ve needed to walk and brag about.  I am now and will always be one of your loudest mouth advocates.
Thank again.
Jay S.

Dear Friends,
I wasn’t really interested in quitting smoking. I knew I had to because my older sister died of lung cancer in 2004 and my family has been driving me crazy ever since. But, I knew I’d replace smoking with eating and I just wasn’t ready to gain more weight. Every time I quit, I’ve gained weight and haven’t been very successful at losing it even when I started smoking again. 

Then, my niece told me about your treatment. She was interested in helping her husband decrease the amount of dip he used - $150 a week. So, I volunteered to go with him for moral support. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect it to work – it sounded too easy. You know what they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! I opened a new pack of cigarettes the night before our appointment and smoked another 2 cigarettes on the way to your office. 

We both had the treatment. When we walked out the door, I asked Eric if he felt any different. He said no. I said “Same here”. We both got into our cars to return to our daily activities. 

Two miles down the road, I realized, I didn’t have a cigarette in my hand!!! That’s the first thing I do after I start my car, is light a cigarette!!! But I hadn’t. Then I realized I didn’t want to. Actually, I never even thought about it – like I’d never lit a cigarette before!!! I couldn’t believe it. 

That was October 11th, 2005. I have not had one cigarette since that day. I’ve not been tempted in the least. I carried that open pack around with me for over a week. The only time I touched it was to move it out of the way when I was looking for something in my purse. I still have that one pack, in a drawer somewhere. 

I truly feel like I never in my life smoked cigarettes. There’s no longing for a smoke when I smell someone else smoking. I just never even think about cigarettes! It’s been unbelievable!!! 

About five weeks after I quit, I experienced an extremely upsetting, traumatic experience and everyone was watching to see when I’d reach for a cigarette which is normal for times of stress. IT NEVER ENTERED MY MIND TO HAVE A CIGARETTE!!!

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am. My family is too. My older sister’s grandchildren gave me gold stars! I’ve referred a number of people for both smoking and weight loss help. I hope everyone is as successful as I’ve been. I’d never have been able to do this without your treatment. 
Thank you all so much!!!
JoAnne B., R.N.

Just wanted you to know that I’m smoke free and have been since your treatment.  I never thought 47 years of addiction would be so easy to give up.  I found out about your treatment from a friend who also quit after over 40 years of smoking.  Thank you so much.  I wish I had known about you sooner. I tried patches, gum, hypnosis, etc.  I had no withdrawal symptoms from tobacco after your treatment.  Thanks again.
Ron C.
Mercer, PA

It has now been one year since I had your stop smoking treatment!  Your plan has been the only plan that worked for me.  After 50+ years of smoking an average of 2 packs a day, I had given up hope of quitting.  However, Laser Innovations came to the rescue!!!  I’ll not say that there is no desire for a smoke, but through your treatment, I have been able to refuse the desire/need. 
Thank you for giving me this victory.
Robert S.
Dade City, FL

Thank you Laser Innovations!!!
I am amazed!  It has only been one week today, but I feel that I am free of the cigarette addiction!!! (The “nicotine gremlins” that always crept into my thoughts, after only a day or so of not smoking have not appeared!!)  I don’t miss smoking and I truly enjoy being able to smell my own perfume now!  Not to mention the $$$$ I am saving and my health concerns.  Thank you again and again!
Lee Ann H.
Lancaster, OH 

I would and do recommend the Laser Innovations very highly.  I feel so much better.  It is so very much easier on your system than other methods.  It was money very well spent.  The people there are great.  Thanks.  I also like the idea that the treatment is pain free and very relaxing.
Cindy B.
Canton, OH

Thank you!  I have more energy and can taste food.  I notice how badly I smelled and other people too.  It also stained my clothes.  I am thrilled at how much money I have saved.  People seem to enjoy being around me now.  Thank you so much!!!
Teri M.

Thank you all very much for one year being SMOKE FREE!!!  April 11, 2007.  This has been a great year.  I still have not used my reboost…Thank you all very much.
Tammy H.
West Jefferson, OH

Weight Loss Testimonals

 I had my first treatment September 20, 2006.  As of November 21, 2006 I have lost nearly 50 pounds.  This treatment is a very important tool in weight loss!  I did not miss the awkward feeling and lack of total control that I felt when I took weight loss pills.  I always felt over medicated and my skin and scalp “crawled” constantly with the weight loss pills.  With the laser treatment, I don’t feel altered at all!!  Actually quite the opposite, I feel rested when I sleep, and I have more energy and I am ready to wake up and start the day.  When the staff at Laser Innovations explains that the treatment alters your metabolism, you need to understand that you will have more energy, and you need to take advantage of it!  You need to take time out to exercise.  I walk on the treadmill or walk down my country road for at least 2 miles most evenings.  You need to get moving and use the energy to clean the house or do the laundry or do the yard work!  You now have the energy so use it to get yourself out of the rut you’re in because you haven’t felt good because of your current weight issues.  It is a terrible cycle to be in and get out of, you eat because you are depressed and depressed because you eat….and then have little or no energy!  Make the choice to take the treatments!  Then make the choice to do your part too.  I noticed that after my first treatment – on my way home I had no desire to stop at Dairy Queen – any other time I would have stopped, or I don’t eat pizza anymore.  I just don’t want to!  The craving isn’t there!  I also took responsibility to eat right!  I have healthy, accurate portion sized dinner.  I prepare my food and put it in a portion divided container and that is all I am able to have.  No test of will power then!  Then after the treatment I don’t have the desire to eat the large or endless portions that I could eat before!  Very few times have I actually been hungry.  You have to drink as much water as you can!  That is one of the keys to success!  Don’t forget the water!  You may be slightly hungry at some point, but that is just in passing!  It isn’t constant, as usually you feel full and ready to burst after eating your portions or drinking water!  Stick with the plan and goal you have for yourself.  It is worth it, and you’ve already started the program and commitment to yourself…you’ve got a lot to lose either way you choose…choose what’s right and healthy for you instead of giving in to the bad choices!!  You’re worth it, and Laser Innovations has been the most supportive!  It is the most effective, and easy to do!  I really recommend this method of treatment for anyone wanting a healthy and effective “new” weight loss treatment!
Thank you,
Jan B.

To the great people at Laser Innovations:

I had my first session on September 17.  So far I have received three treatments over a month’s time and have lost nine pounds.  I have experienced absolutely no cravings and am truly surprised that I have very little hunger.  What has really been amazing to me is that I have a real sense of peace about my food choices and I don’t feel deprived of anything.  In the past, that was usually a great stumbling block for me.  I would quickly resume my bad habits and the ice cream feast would begin!  I have not eaten ice cream since before September 17 and I have no desire to eat some now. Kurt and the staff have made me feel very welcome and all have a positive and welcoming approach to the process.  I feel very empowered when I leave and I look forward to my next visit. I would  recommend this treatment to anyone wishing to change their eating habits.  It works!
Francie A.
October 22, 2007

After my first visit, I really didn’t feel much different, other than the fact that I wasn’t hungry.  As the day went by, my hunger never returned and I started to feel really good about myself and my weight problem.  My depression went away and I really started to feel good about myself and my future.  I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and stared to exercise on a more regular basis, something that I had not done in a long time!  It gave me the motivation that I need to quit procrastinating and start living and believing in myself again.  Each visit has helped me to accomplish more and more.  I plan on continuing  these treatments even after I lose my desired weight.  I would definitely recommend this treatment to any one who wants to quit smoking, lose weight or just get motivated.  It actually wakes up your senses and makes you think!  Laser acupuncture is the way to go!
John D.

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